

Visualização de Notícia
  • On the assingment for tomorrow
  • 15/11/2019 10:10
  • Texto:

    Good morning Diane, Layza and Orisvanda,

    First of all I would like to apologise for not giving you the proper attention during these last months.  It has been really hard to keep updated with all the advisees I've been assigned lately (both at undergraduation and post graduation levels).  I just have checked my e-mail box and found out that you have been trying to get in contact for quite some time.  I'm so sorry for that. I promise I will try to make up for that. I hope you can understand.

    Patricia reminded me that you have an assignment due tomorrow, which I honestly didn't remeber.  She told me it is suppposed to be a one-page-lengh text (in portuguese) in which you describe the research you intend to do, and present a brief description of the sections of the article each of you are supposed to write.  Do you have a sketch of that already?  If you do, could you send me a copy?  I'll be waiting  for those to give you some feedback before you can send them on SIGAA.  

    As far as I could understand, it is suppoded to be something simple, but organized as a text, not topics. It is not supposed to be the article itself, just a report of what you are going to write about. I know this message comes in the last minute (since the deadline is tomorrow), but I believe you already might have an idea of what you want to do in your article.  So, I suppose it might not be very hard to prepare that text, in case you don't have it yet.

    After you send me that sketch, we could set up an appointment at UFPI tomorrow afternoon, so that I can give you some feedback before you send it.  What do you think?  It could be at 15:00 at my office (room 59), right in front of the coordination of Foreign Letters.

    As you might have noticed, I don't use whatsapp so often, but because it is an urgent situation, I'll keep an eye on it in case you send messages.  My numbers are 86 98115-9517 (whatsapp only) and 86 99999-9517 (phone calls only).

    Best regards,



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