
PPGCC009 - TRABALHO INDIVIDUAL - Turma: 07 (2020.2)

Tópicos Aulas
A Communication Infrastructure for the Health and Social Care Internet of Things: Proof-of-Concept Study (09/10/2020 - 23/10/2020)

A Communication Infrastructure for the Health and Social Care Internet of Things: Proof-of-Concept Study

   A Communication Infrastructure for the Health and Social Care Internet of Things: Proof-of-Concept Study 
A Communication Infrastructure for the Health and Social Care Internet of Things: Proof-of-Concept Study
SeMoM, a semantic middleware for IoT healthcare applications (06/11/2020 - 20/11/2020)

SeMoM, a semantic middleware for IoT healthcare applications

  SeMoM, a semantic middleware for IoT healthcare applications 
SeMoM, a semantic middleware for IoT healthcare applications
RM-IoT: An IoT-based Rapid Medical Response Plan for Smart Cities (27/11/2020 - 11/12/2020)

RM-IoT: An IoT-based Rapid Medical Response Plan for Smart Cities

  RM-IoT: An IoT-based Rapid Medical Response Plan for Smart Cities 
RM-IoT: An IoT-based Rapid Medical Response Plan for Smart Cities
Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm (18/12/2020 - 08/01/2021)

Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm

  Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm 
Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm
Planning and Optimization of LoRa IoT Networks (15/01/2021 - 22/01/2021)

Planning and Optimization of LoRa IoT Networks

  Planning and Optimization of LoRa IoT Networks 
Planning and Optimization of LoRa IoT Networks
Performance Optimization LoRa Network by Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Determination of the Load Profiles in Dwellings (29/01/2021 - 05/02/2021)

Performance Optimization LoRa Network by Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Determination of the Load Profiles in Dwellings

  Performance Optimization LoRa Network by Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Determination of the Load Profiles in Dwellings 
Performance Optimization LoRa Network by Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Determination of the Load Profiles in Dwellings
Frequências da Turma
# Matrícula OUT NOV DEZ JAN FEV Total
09 16 23 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 01 08 15 22 29 05
1 2020100**** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2020100**** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Notas da Turma
# Matrícula Unid. 1 Prova Final Resultado Faltas Situação
1 2020100**** 10,0 10.0 0 AM
2 2020100**** 10,0 10.0 0 AM

Nenhum item foi encontrado

Plano de Curso

Nenhum item foi encontrado

Notícias da Turma

Nenhum item foi encontrado

SIGAA | Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação - STI/UFPI - (86) 3215-1124 | sigjb04.ufpi.br.sigaa vSIGAA_3.12.1088 22/07/2024 11:13