The Program of Graduate Studies in the History of Brazil's Federal University of Piauí (PPGHB / UFPI) was established in 2004 and is recognized by the Ministry of Education and recommended the Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement - CAPES. The program offers Master's degree (note 4 in the evaluation of CAPES) and is included in the concentration area of ​​history of Brazil, allowing the development of research and the promotion of studies on social history, politics and culture of Brazil, without any restriction regional space to be investigated as to the time frame, as the historiographical field and even on the theoretical and methodological approach justifying the proposed work. However, it is necessary to observe the feasibility of research proposals as well as possible access to the fonts to be used. Thus, the category History of Brazil set up a broad spectrum that transcends the simple territorial circumscription and includes, in addition to the ontological tradition that marks the space as something fixed and natural, issues such as the production of identities, the representation of space, the development historical memories, Brazilian cities in their efforts to move to modern and even the historical legitimation of spacial and politicians, such as the city and the monarchic period, for example. History of Brazil, therefore, to place the nucleus within which should be developed research under the program, refers to a broad meaning, covering reflections that include not only the territorial jurisdiction of Brazil, but also to make the history of Brazil as a historical category. In order to foster cross-links between the constituent central issue of the ongoing concentration area and the areas of interest and research of program members teachers and articulating the projects of their members and employees, are proposed two lines with which is intended to create opportunities research with varied thematic, theoretical and temporal clippings: History, Culture and Art; and History, City, Memory and Work.

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