Graduate Program in Archaeology (PPGArq). Course: Archaeology. Level: Master. Our program was created at the Federal University of Piauí on July 7, 2011 (resolution 222/11). The objectives of the program are to graduate researchers able to develop both academic research and cultural resources management (CRM) with a special focus on archaeological contexts from the state of Piauí and the northeastern region of Brazil. We have a strong historical link with chemistry and physics (DRX, Fluorescence, Mössbauer analyses) as well as rock art, lithic, ceramic and bioarchaeological studies in all major National Parks of the state (Sete Cidades, Serra da Capivara and Serra das Confusões) and the coastal area. Archaeology in Piauí started in the early 1970s with the pioneer research of Niède Guidon in the Serra da Capivara region. She soon created a research group at the UFPI in order to contextualize the vast area of the state. The Graduate Program is currently working in collaboration with the Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal), the Université de Paris X Nanterre (France) and the Universidad Nacional Autonoma (México).

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