The Postgraduate Program in Public Management was approved through Resolutions 094/15 and 098/15, of the Research Council, Teaching and Extension-CEPEX, Federal University of Piauí-UFPI, and in CAPES, at the 160th Meeting CTC-ES, which took place in October 2015. The Program has an Area of ​​Concentration - Public Management for Regional Development, and two Research Lines: Institutions and Public Policies and Organizations and Regional Development, making an effective contribution to the extent that it proposes to qualify labor to act in favor of local and regional development, based on their specificities, but within a regional perspective and the understanding of the global. This proposal can be better understood when one observes the great socioeconomic asymmetries within and between regions and Brazilian states, a fact observed in PNPG 2005-2010. In this sense, the Federal University of Piauí has ​​sought to meet the demands of the community in tune with the labor market and the needs of local and regional development with the offer of this Graduate Program at the same time as, in compliance with the PNPG 2011-2020, has been open to the realization of partnerships between HEIs and public organizations and organized civil society, both for the training of people at a stricto sensu level and for the development of research activities in organizations. With a view to guaranteeing partnerships and, above all, preserving the quality of the Program, its faculty is made up of 21 (twenty-one) professors in the areas of Law, Economics, Political Science, Administration, Accounting Sciences, Social Sciences and Public Policies.

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