Minimizing operational losses in transmission power systems by the Optimal Reactive Dispatch (ORD) problem consists in a timely research topic that contributes to secure power system operation, the rational the use of scarce resources, the reduction of operational costs, and even the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions by the power sector (especially in regulated electricity markets) by optimally adjusting its controllable variables, i.e., the terminal voltage magnitude settings of synchronous generators and condensers, the tap ratio settings of on-load tap-changing transformers, and the equivalent susceptances of switchable shunt capacitor banks and reactors. However, power system operators cannot inadvertedly or simultaneously realize such ORD control adjustments, and have a limited time frame in which such controls must be adjusted prior to a significant change in the active power output of dispatchable generation units. Moreover, most works in the literature do not account in the ORD problem formulation for the sequence in which such control adjustments must be realized, i.e., the path that effectively leads power system operation toward the optimum. Therefore, this work features the optimal sequencing of n ORD control adjustments that minimize operational losses in transmission power systems by the statement of such a mixed-integer (combinatorial) nonlinear programming problem with n! possible solutions as a graph-shortest-path problem. Then, this specific graph-shortest-path problem is solved by a methodological approach based on dynamic programming and parallel computing; the asymptotic time complexity of the proposed methodological approach is also presented and discussed. As opposed to most works in the literature, which heuristically sequence ORD control adjustments, the methodological approach featured in this work guarantees that the obtained path toward minimal operational losses is optimal. Numerical results, average algorithm runtimes, and some parallel-computing performance metrics considering transmission systems with up to 27 controllable variables, and a comparison of results between the proposed methodological approach and other techniques in the literature are presented to validate the effectiveness and to show the straightforward application of such a methodological proposal