
Researchers from PPGENF/UFPI produce a brochure of "Self-care of nursing professionals in front of Covid-19"

The PhD students of Nursing (PPGENF/UFPI) Girlene Ribeiro, Amanda Delmondes, Thaís Alexandre, Priscilla Cavalcante and Priscila Dantas produced in the discipline Epistemological and Philosophical Bases of Health and Nursing Sciences under the Collaboration of Professors Benevina Maria Vilar, Claudete Monteiro, Grazielle Roberta, Márcia Teles and Telma Maria Evangelista the brochure "Self-care of nursing professionals in front of Covid-19".


The leaflet has brought the importance of self-care of nursing professionals in relation to Covid-19. "It is known that nursing professionals, especially those who are working on the front line, need special care and because of isolation, self-care is extremely important. The booklet addresses some important aspects for self-care such as: emotional self-care, intellectual self-care, spiritual self-care, physical self-care, social self-care, there are several other items that address self-care, the important thing to bring these health benefits to these professionals or anyone else", explains Girlene Ribeiro.


According to the PhD student, the booklet is based on the theory of Dorothea Orem who developed the theory of self-care consisting basically of the idea that individuals, when able, should take care of themselves.


"It is expected that nursing professionals will identify with the aspects presented and practice self-care, thus improving their well-being and quality of life," he concludes.


References: CRUZ, T.A; CARVALHO, A.M. SILVA, R.D. Reflection of self-care among nursing professionals. Contemporary Nursing Journal. v.1, p. 96-108, 2016. FOSTER, P.C.; JANSSENS, W. P. DOROTHEA, E.O. In: GEORGE, J. B. et al. Nursing theories: the foundations for professional practice. Porto Alegre: Medical Arts, .p 90-107,1993.


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