
REUFPI conducts Online Course "Fundamentals for the exercise of ad hoc referee"

The UFPI Nursing Journal (REUFPI), in 2020, has undergone a team transition and editorial policy. It started to adopt the system of continuous flow (rolling pass) and to accept submission of manuscripts published in preprints repositories. Our journal has adopted the Double Blind Review system as a method for evaluating manuscripts and follows the open access policy, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


REUFPI, in this new management, intends to increase the visibility of the journal, improve its metrics and, for that, it has bet on internationalization, as well as on the quality and originality of the manuscripts. This new dynamic has required the formation of a new group of reviewers and one of the biggest concerns has been the quality of the reviews and, in this sense, I would like to invite you to participate in the course “Fundamentals for the exercise of ad hoc reviewer ”, Promoted by REUFPI.


This course was created with the objective of strengthening REUFPI's team of reviewers and will count on the participation of editors from the best Brazilian magazines in the field of nursing. The course is open to the academic community, is free, has a 10-hour workload, will be hosted at Google Meet and the certification will be issued by the Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGEnf / UFPI).


To participate you only need to register on the link:

Undoubtedly, your participation will be essential to maintain the excellence of REUFPI, the ethical and scientific work that has been carried out.


We are waiting for you!


Check the course schedule


Notícia cadastrada em: 19/08/2020 09:43
SIGAA | Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação - STI/UFPI - (86) 3215-1124 | © UFRN | 22/07/2024 07:32