A) Field of Study (FS) and Line of Research (LR)

Both the FS and the RA at PPGEnf are coherent, extensive in scope, and consistent with each other. The RA strengthens the FS; and the Research Projects (RPs) are coherent and aligned to the RA. The RPs are adjusted to the Research Groups (RGs).


The PPGEnf Field of Study Nursing in Social Context focuses on themes and theoretical-methodological perspectives for research, care, and practices with an emphasis on philosophical currents, theories and concepts that guide the care for the individual, family, community, and other social groups regarding the health- disease phenomenon. It also considers the premise of critical and reflective analysis of the health actions developed by nurses in everyday care concerning socio-educational and service management practices in the regional, national, and international health policies context being coherent with the Line of Research in their extensive scope and consistency.


Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing


It involves a systematized process of caring for the human being in health promotion, prevention of diseases, harms and complications, early risk detection, treatment and rehabilitation process monitoring and evaluation, considering the individual, family, and community within the scope of subjective and objective dimensions of caring and being cared for. It comprises the indicators and expressions of health and life quality and their relation to the health-disease process. It triggers reflections on the care process and the role of Nursing. The reflections must concentrate on the analysis about new challenges faced in the globalized world and the ethics of care. The research must be guided to raise reflections on population groups, risk groups, and address the analysis of phenomena involving target groups’ daily lives and its relation to the care process in Nursing.



Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices


It refers to the conception, formulation of operation strategies in health policies and articulation with the nursing practices, models of observing and teaching in health reinforcing the quality of Nursing care to population. It includes conception, social and historical aspects of Nursing, implementation of public health policies , pedagogical rationale, and the articulation with Nursing practices and educational dimension in work or health.  The two Lines of Researchhave generated different research projects, some are finished and others are in progress, resulting in original relevant scientific productions published in journals equivalent to A1, A2, A3, A4, and B1 in the Qualis system of CAPES, as well as in national and international events, promoting coherence and a good articulation between Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees.

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