C) Teaching Staff

Ana Maria Ribeiro dos Santos

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Master's in Nursing from the Anna Nery School of Nursing at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Doctorate in Sciences from the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, University of São Paulo. Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study Group on Aging and External Causes of Morbimortality at UFPI. She has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Nursing in Emergency, mainly on the following topics: nursing, emergency, intensive care and the elderly. E-mail: ana.mrsantos@gmail.com


Ana Roberta Vilarouca da Silva

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated, Master's and Doctoral Degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará. Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing and the Master's Degree in Health and Community at UFPI. Leader of the Collective Health Research Group at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on Public Health Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, overweight, and metabolic syndrome. E-mail: robertavilarouca@yahoo.com.br


Andréia Rodrigues Moura da Costa Valle

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated and Master's Degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, a Doctoral Degree in Science from the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing. Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Sub-leader of the Research Nucleus on Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Services at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing, with emphasis on disease control, working in Public Health. E-mail: andreiarmcvalle@hotmail.com


Claudete Ferreira de Souza Monteiro

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Master's and Doctoral Degree in Nursing from the Anna Nery Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Collaborating Professor of the Graduate Program in Nursing and Master's Degree and Professional Doctorate Program in Family Health, Coordinator of the Network Program - Renasf/Fiocruz held at UFPI. Leader of the Study Group on Nursing, Violence, and Mental Health at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on Mental Health Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: Alcohol, crack and other drugs, women's health, violence. E-mail: claudetefmonteiro@ufpi.edu.br


Daniela Reis Joaquim de Freitas

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Master’s and Doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and Postdoctoral studies in Medical Sciences from the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre. She is a professor at the Department of Parasitology and Microbiology and at the Graduate Program in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study Group in Microbiology and Parasitology at UFPI. She has experience in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Immunology, Parasitology, Microbiology, and Experimental Pharmacology. E-mail: danielarjfreitas@yahoo.com.br


Elaine Maria Leite Rangel Andrade

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated, Master's and Doctorate in Nursing from the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing. Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study, Research, and Extension Group on Information and Communication Technologies at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on Fundamental Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: Distance Education and Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases (NCDs). Email: elairgel@gmail.com


Fernanda Valéria Silva Dantas Avelino

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Master's and Doctorate in Nursing from the Anna Nery Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Research Group on Patient Safety and Care Systematization at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing, with an emphasis on adult health, systematization of patient care and patient safety, working mainly on the following topics: patient safety, good practices and quality of nursing care, health of human groups, nursing and family, urgency and emergency, adult health, systematization of nursing care and education. E-mail: fvdavelino@gmail.com


Fernando Lopes e Silva Junior

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Physical Education from the State University of Piauí, Master's and Doctorate in Physical Education from the Catholic University of Brasília. Professor at the School of Medicine at UFPI, Campus Ministro Reis Velloso (Parnaíba/PI) and at the Graduate Program in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study Group on Motor Performance and Rehabilitation at UFPI. He has experience in the areas of neurofunctional activities associated with cognitive and physiological responses during exercise. E-mail: fernando.lopes@ufpi.edu.br


Grazielle Roberta Freitas da Silva

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated, Master’s, Doctorate and Postdoctoral studies in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará. Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Good Nursing Practices Research Group (ProBOAS) at UFPI. She has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Clinical Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: Good Nursing Practice, Caring, SAE, Nursing Theories, Nursing Measurement Instruments, Scales and Tests, and Technological Products and Processes for caring in nursing. E-mail: grazielle_roberta@yahoo.com.br


Herla Maria Furtado Jorge

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated in Nursing from the University of Fortaleza, Master’s in Collective Health from the University of Fortaleza, and Doctorate in Tocogynecology from the State University of Campinas. Professor of the Undergraduate, Graduate Programs in Nursing and Residency in Obstetric Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study and Research Group on Women's Health at UFPI. She has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on the following themes: Women's Health, Health Promotion, Collective Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Humanization of Pregnancy and Childbirth, and Health Technologies. Email: herlafurtado@gmail.com


José Wicto Pereira Borges

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated in Nursing, Master’s and Doctorate in Clinical Health Care from the State University of Ceará. Professor of the Undergraduate Program, the Postgraduate Program in Nursing and the Master's Degree in Health and Community at UFPI. He has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on the following topics: methodological studies, development and validation of instruments, and epidemiology of non-communicable chronic diseases. E-mail: wictoborges@ufpi.edu.br


Lídya Tolstenko Nogueira

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of São Paulo, Master's and Doctorate in Nursing from the Anna Nery School of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Postdoctoral studies in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará. Full Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Member of the Center for Studies and Research on Human Care and Nursing at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing and Public Health with an emphasis on evaluating health programs and services, working mainly on the following topics: primary care, health care evaluation, nursing workload and quality of life. E-mail: lidyatn@gmail.com


Márcia Astrês Fernandes

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated in Pharmacy and Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Master's in Nursing from the Anna Nery School of Nursing, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Doctorate in Science from the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, University of São Paulo. She is a professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study and Research Group in Mental Health and Work at UFPI. She has experience in assistance, teaching, research, extension, and management in the area of mental health, working mainly on the following topics: Public Policies in Mental Health and Occupational Health, Mental Health and Work, Quality of Life at Work, National Policy of Humanization of SUS, Collective Health and Legal and Illicit Drugs. E-mail: m.estres@ufpi.edu.br


Márcia Teles de Oliveira Gouveia

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics from the State University of Paraíba, She has a Teaching Major in Nursing from the State University of Paraíba, Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Health from the Federal University of Pernambuco, and Doctorate in Fundamental Nursing from the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, University of São Paulo. She is a professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Center for Studies and Research on the Process of Human Care and Nursing at UFPI. She has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Occupational Health and child health/quality of life. Themes: measures of health constructs (well-being, stress), child growth and development, and methodological studies. E-mail: marcia06@gmail.com


Maria do Livramento Fortes Figueiredo

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Master's and Doctorate in Nursing from the Anna Nery Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study Group on the Multidimensionality of Aging, Health, and Nursing at UFPI. She has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Public Health, Environmental Health, the Elderly, and Women's Health, working mainly on the following themes: women, aging, gender, nursing, environmental health, quality of life, violence, and health education. E-mail: liff@ufpi.edu.br


Maria Eliete Batista Moura

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Master's and Doctorate in Nursing from the Anna Nery School of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Postdoctoral studies from the Open University of Lisbon - Portugal. Full Professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Research Center on Infection Prevention and Control in Health Services at UFPI. Productivity Scholarship - Researcher PQ-UFPI (2019-2020). She has experience in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on infection prevention and control in health services and training of human resources in family health care, working mainly on the following topics: nursing, family health, social representations, infection in health services and aging. E-mail: liamoura@ufpi.edu.br


Rosilane de Lima Brito Magalhães

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated and Master's Degree in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Doctorate in Fundamental Nursing from the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing and Postdoctoral studies from the Federal University of Ceará. Professor of the Graduate Program in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Study Group on Infectious Diseases and other diseases at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing with an emphasis on infectious diseases, working mainly on the following topics: women's health focusing on HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and hepatitis B vaccine in vulnerable populations, and violence against women. E-mail: rosilimabm@globo.com


Silvana Santiago da Rocha

Line of Research1: Care Process in Health and Nursing

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará, Master’s in Education from the Federal University of Piauí, Doctorate in Nursing from the Anna Nery School of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Postdoctoral studies in Nursing from the Federal University of Ceará. She is a professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI. Leader of the Research Group on Health Care for Newborns, Children, and Adolescents at UFPI and Sub-leader of the Research Group on Patient Safety and Systematization of Nursing Care at UFPI. She has experience in distance learning and in the field of Nursing, with an emphasis on Public Health and Pediatrics, especially neonatology, working mainly on the following topics: nursing, child, newborn, family health and patient care, and safety. E-mail: silvanasantiago27@gmail.com


Telma Maria Evangelista de Araújo

Line of Research2: Socio-educational Nursing Policies and Practices

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Piauí, Master's and Doctorate in Nursing from the Anna Nery Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She is a professor of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Nursing at UFPI and the Professional Master's Program in Family Health - UFPI/RENASF/FIOCRUZ. Leader of the Study Group on Health Surveillance at UFPI. She has experience in Nursing and Public Health, with an emphasis on Health Surveillance, working mainly on the following topics: immunization / vaccination, leprosy, hepatitis, HIV / AIDS, Syphilis, knowledge, attitudes, and practices, drugs and epidemiology. E-mail: telmaevangelista@gmail.com

SIGAA | Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação - STI/UFPI - (86) 3215-1124 | © UFRN | sigjb04.ufpi.br.sigaa 22/07/2024 17:28