UFDPar - CIÊNCIAS CONTÁBEIS - Presencial - Parnaíba


Course  Level  Graduate


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The Accounting Course Campus Parnaíba, Federal University of Piauí, was created on February 4, 1976, by Act of Rectory # 33, and its recognition by the Ministry of Education, through Ordinance No. 085, January 16 1981, published in the Official Gazette on January 20, 1981, and entered into operation in the first half of 1976. Currently, after some renovations, offers 100 spaces, 50 for entry into the first period of the year, in the afternoon, while another 50 vacancies offered in the second period, at night, both focusing on improving aspects related to the research and production scientific, as well as harmonization of standards and international accounting standards in accordance with the training required by international bodies that regulate accounting procedures and the peculiarities of government organizations. The formation of the profile of the professional accounting assumes a theoretical foundation that ensures the development of a set of skills and mastery of basic content that enables hinged so that the meter be able to understand the scientific, technical, social, economic and financial nationally and internationally in different organizational models. The course aims to provide graduates also full field of functional responsibilities involving calculations, audits, investigations, arbitrations, actuarial calculation and qualification of financial information, property and government, with the full use of technological innovations, revealing critical and analytical ability to assess the organizational implications with the advent of information technology. Mission of the course: to train professionals and researchers capable of contributing greatly to the continuous improvement of quality of life of Brazilian society through their work with the accounting entities, and promote the competitiveness of economic agents, with the production and dissemination of knowledge in specific areas measurement models accounting and economic management.

Course Coordination : EGIDIO CARLOS VIEIRA
Telephone number: Not available at this moment
E-mail: Not available at this moment
Course Vice Coordination : LIDIANA FONSECA DE SOUZA MELO
Telephone number: Not available at this moment
E-mail: Not available at this moment
CNPQ's Knowledge Area:
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